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The Adventures of Flo : Links

Good day guys, hope you are having a lovely weekend. According to my schedule, Saturdays are set out for a continuous web serial called The Adventures of Flo which is a slice-of-life kind of story that features a young Nigerian Nupe girl called, Korola (Flower) Jiya. The story follows her as she learns about life, makes friends, grows and chases her dreams to become a writer.

I’ve been posting Flo’s story consistently for more than a year now and with the recent influx of views and new followers showing up everyday, I thought it would be appropriate for me to dig out all the previous Adventures of Flo so that my lovely readers might have some backstory as the story progresses.

This has been a serial that has been so exciting to write and the best part of it all is going back to read the older ones to observe the differences in my ideologies and writing style then versus now. I’m sure if you read it, you can also trace the growth and improvement as you move from episode to episode.

42 posts are a lot to read at a sitting but I can assure you that this is a story that you can just lay back and casually enjoy. And I do hope you will enjoy it as the story progresses more every week.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have an eventful weekend. (Or weekday depending on when you are reading this.)

Links are below.

Emah OUT!

The Adventures of Flo: Eternally Single. #1

The Adventures of Flo: Introductions #2

The Adventures of Flo: Chiamaka, The Best Friend. #3

The Adventures of Flo: A Chicken named Savage. #4

The Adventures of Flo: A Frightful Sight in The Night. #5

The Adventures of Flo: Flo’s Aspiration (A Treasury of Books). #6

The Adventures of Flo: Flo’s Aspiration (Breaking the Brick Wall). #7

The Adventures of Flo: Tunde, the Heart-Crusher. #8

The Adventures of Flo: Armando el Muchacho. #9

The Adventures of Flo: The Death of Expectation. #10

The Adventures of Flo: The Great Divide #11

The Adventures of Flo: A Dwindling Light #12
The Adventures of Flo: Debut of the Dire #13.

The Adventures of Flo: The Fine Line #14.

The Adventures of Flo: A Garbage Metaphor #15.

The Adventures of Flo: Womanlaria 16#

The Adventures of Flo: The Broken Sunglasses. 17#

The Adventures of Flo: Flo’s Birthday. 18#

The Adventures of Flo: A Close Encounter with Death. 19#

The Adventures of Flo: Flower Houdini. 20#

The Adventures of Flo: The Adventures of Max. 21#

The Adventures of Flo: Full Cycle #22

The Adventures of Flo: In her Father’s Bosom. #23

The Adventures of Flo: Stress-Bound. #24

The Adventures of Flo: Ph(l)obia #25

The Adventures of Flo: Feud. #26

The Adventures of Flo: Frienemity. #27

The Adventures of Flo: Triggered. #28

The Adventures of Flo: Lovestruck #29

The Adventures of Flo: Brown Beans and Racism. #30

The Adventures of Flo: Mirrored #31

The Adventures of Flo: Flo’mancipation #32

The Adventures of Flo: Good Ol’ Days #33

The Adventures of Flo: Etched #34

The Adventures of Flo: Cosy #35

The Adventures of Flo: Lunch Date #36

The Adventures of Flo: Ridiculous! #37

The Adventures of Flo: Blur #38

The Adventures of Flo: A Wee Bit Crazy #39

The Adventures of Flo: Famished #40

The Adventures of Flo: An Unexpected Guest #41

The Adventures of Flo: Reunion #42

The Adventures of Flo #43

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