
16th April, 2024

As a writer, one of the things I really enjoy writing about is Love.

Genuine love is one of the prettiest things in the world.

And I think rather than focusing on the intensity, what I really crave is a kind of love that shows sustainability. Not simply feelings, incapacitating emotions that burn bright and burn out, but a lasting lingering decision that is revived everyday. I always say, true love is a decision you make every day.

It’s seen in the most mundane and ordinary moments but you guys just agree to enjoy each other’s company, whether it’s the dumb jokes or just the silence.

Sometimes, I say, I can’t wait to be in love. But the thing is that I am already in love.

I know not who these emotions belong to yet. But I’m guarding it like a small plant, with closed buds still taking root, delicate but holding the promise of gorgeous clusters of flowers.

Right now, I’m savoring the potential of ordinary moments shared with an extraordinary person.

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